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Youth Ministry



Jerusalem Chapel Youth Ministries (JCYM) invites students in 6th through 12th grades to join us each week for Sunday School as well as other youth activities and events. Many of our teens regularly serve in a variety of ministries such as Sunday School, nursery, the annual Christmas musical, VBS, Operation Christmas Child, and other outreach ministries.  Other opportunities for connection include attending Rhodes Grove Camp, enjoying youth social events, creating Mother's Day bouquets, participating in road clean-up projects, and serving others during fellowship meals and fundraisers! Updates on youth activities and events are posted in our weekly church bulletin and on this webpage, and they are announced in our Sunday-School classes. We have a great bunch of teens who are learning to serve, are continuing to grow in their faith, and are eager to make a difference in our community and around the world. If you’d like to get involved, we’d love to have you!




High School Class:

Join us for class on Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m.  Together, we’ll be checking out truths found in God's Word and spending time together in fellowship. This class meets each Sunday in the youth room on the top floor of the Christian Education Building.


Middle School Class:

Each week, 6th to 8th graders meet in one of the ground-level classrooms in the main church building. Nikki Moneymaker is the lead teacher of this class. She is great at finding ways to take the truths of Scripture and apply them in fun, creative ways!


Summer Camp for Kids & Teens:

We’d love for you to experience a week of camp this summer at Rhodes Grove.  To learn more, contact the Pastor Greg or click here .



We want you to be a part of our youth leadership team!  There are countless ways you can be involved from spearheading youth events to chaperoning to teaching classes to mentoring to a host of other roles.  Contact Pastor Greg for more information. Thank you for prayerfully considering how you can be part of impacting young lives for Christ!

Greg Culpen

Youth Pastor

Greg & his wife Crystal, of 25 years grew up in the Churchville area and are both graduates of Buffalo Gap High School. They reside in Staunton where they raised their 2 grown sons Dylan 22, and Conner 19. Greg serves as a volunteer with FCA, and has done so for the past 6 years as a Character Coach working with the youth in the Staunton & Augusta County area. Prior to joining Jerusalem Chapel, he served as Worship Leader for 6 years in the Staunton area. As Youth Pastor, Greg is excited to create a place our youth can grow in character, show love/kindness for each other, grow our community and share in God’s love whenever we have the chance to lead others to HIM!

Learn More

Click on one of the links below for more information.

Bible studies, service projects and outreach opportunities are available!

Available for those who would like to go above and beyond the local church.

We are currently looking for volunteers to help us with our Sunday Worship Hours. Please contact Pastor Mark or the church office for more information

Bible studies, events, outreach opportunities and more!

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