Adult Ministry
Join Our Team!
Each week, a team of dozens of individuals work together in both leadership roles and behind-the-scenes to keep our ministry going strong. Would you like to get involved? Here are some ongoing areas of opportunity that may interest you!
It truly is a blessing and honor to serve our church family and ultimately our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Computer Tech/Powerpoint, Video or Sound Tech – Work behind the scenes! Volunteer to serve on Wednesday nights (during music practices) and/or Sunday mornings. Contact Linda Hager to learn more!
Greeters – Volunteer to serve on Sunday mornings by signing up on the sheet at the ‘Welcome Center’ or contact Patty Nulty.
JCYM Volunteers – Join our team of volunteers as they work with teens from 6th to-12th graders in a variety of classes, activities and outreaches. Contact Pastor Greg to learn more!
Nursery Workers – Volunteer to serve on Sunday mornings during the worship hours. Contact the church office or see the sign-up sheet at the church.
Sunday School Teachers & Helpers – Additional teachers and helpers are needed. If you’d like to get involved (part-time or full-time) please contact the church office and let us know of your interest. Teaching others in one of the best ways to learn the Bible, for the teacher and the student! Helpers assist teachers by providing extra helping hands, additional supervision and opportunities for sweet interaction with the children and teens. Plus, their presence also helps us to maintain a “risk-free” environment.
Learn More
Click on one of the links below for more information.
Bible studies, service projects and outreach opportunities are available!
Available for those who would like to go above and beyond, either at the local church or world-wide level.
We are currently looking for volunteers to help us with our Sunday Worship Hours. Please contact Linda Hager or the church office for more information
Bible studies, events, outreach opportunities and more!